FREIGHT FORCE EXPRESS has provided a REALLY RELIABLE OVERNIGHT express service from GAUTENG to BLOEMFONTEIN & WELKOM for the past 25 years and our unique service provides on-carriage to centres in the NORTHERN and EASTERN CAPE from Bloemfontein daily.
Our service standards are high, with delivery in Welkom / Kroonstad by 09.30 and in Bloemfontein by 10.30 each day
We support B.E.E. by making use of independent contractors where possible, to increase our reach and to broaden our service network
To reduce the incidence of damage and/or theft, freight is delivered directly from the same vehicle which loaded the freight at source.
We tailor our systems to accommodate the needs of our suppliers, including signed delivery on their own delivery notes. This particularly suits the Automotive Aftermarket and Accessory suppliers, which make extensive use of our RELIABLE daily delivery network. .
By adding towns in Northern K Z N, we have been able to broaden our reach on an overnight basis and have put GAUTENG on their doorstep.
Freight Force Express is the trading division of :-
Purple Flash ( Pty ) Ltd, Reg No 2003/010175/07, VAT Reg No 4690206356
and it's operational shareholders have many years experience in the RELIABLE overnight express freight industry.